Welcome to your Entry Test Level: Elementary

1.1 Complete the conversations with the correct form of be.


A: you married ?
B: No, I .

A: Where you from, Hiroko?
B: I from Japan.

A: Where James and Melanie?
B: They in room 119.

A: we late?
B: No, we .

A: they from America?
B: No, they from Canada.

1.2 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

[eat]  [out]  [give]  [go]  [make]
[meet]  [play]  [watch]  [write]

1. We just TV in the evenings.

2. I sometimes swimming after work.

3. I usually at a local restaurant at the weekends.

4. I presentations to people at conferences all over the world.

5. I often tennis with my friends at the sports club.

6. I a lot of phone calls at work.

7. I emails on my tablet when I’m on the train.

8. I often customers from China in the office.

2.1 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct adverbs (a or b).

1. I love sports, so I watch football or tennis.
a. never
b. usually

2. I wear a suit and tie for work – every day.
a. always
b. sometimes

3. I speak English at work, but I speak French because we have visitors from Paris once or twice a year
a. sometimes
b. usually

4. I go out for lunch. I eat at my desk every day.
a. often
b. never

5. I give presentations about our new products. Not at every conference,
but probably 75% of the time.
a. always
b. often

2.2 Complete the conversation with these words.

[bed]  [break]  [bus]  [clients]  [emails]
[lunch]  [meeting]  [up]  [work (x2)]

Tell me about a typical day at work, Waris.
B: Well, I wake at 6.00 and then I eat some breakfast, cereal or something like that. After that, I catch the at 8.00. It takes about thirty minutes, so I get to at about 8.30.
A: What do you do at work?
B: Well, first I turn on my computer and I check my .
A: Do you get a lot?
B: Hundreds! Then I go to a with my boss. She tells me our plan for the day.
A: When do you have your first ?
B: I have a coffee at eleven o’clock for about ten minutes. I have later at one o’clock. I eat it in the canteen.
A: How about the afternoon?
B: I call my . Most of them are in New York, so I can’t call them in the morning because of the time difference.
A: When does your day end? When do you leave ?
B: At about 7.30.
A: It’s a long day.
B: Yes, it is. I go to at eleven o’clock. I sleep well because I’m so tired!

3.1 Complete the conversations with the correct form of there is / are.

A: any chairs in the meeting room?
B: Yes, some chairs in there.

A: a café in the railway station?
B: Yes, two cafés in the station.

A: any printers on the second floor?
B: Yes, – next to the lift.

A: a market report from Japan?
B: No, any reports from Asia this month.

A: a PA in your office?
B: Yes, .

3.2 Complete the conversations. Put the letters in the correct order.

Excuse me. Where’s the bus (opst)?
It’s on the High Street.

Where’s the new French (aaesunttrr)?
In Old Road.

How do we get to the second floor?
Please use the (filt).

Where’s the presentation this afternoon?
It’s in the (etelcur) theatre.

I need to buy a toothbrush.
You can buy one in the (posh) at the airport.

Where is the training workshop?
In (teenmig) room number five.